March 6th, 2009

Push out the Jive, bring in the Love

Love is in the air in our neighborhood! The flowers are beginning to push their way up through the soil, the rain breaks are getting longer, and I think Cooper even got some sun this week.

In the press, we are on the Seattle Channel’s City Stream program tonight! You can watch the story about Cooper here (he appears at about 14 minutes in). This is a particularly nice piece that really shows off the paw-parazzi and Cooper’s super chill attitude about the whole scene. Thanks for a great story, Shannon Gee!

But the real big news is that we think Cooper may have a new girlfriend! Meow, baby!

She is so cute with her super short haircut. Look how she’s even looking away from him! It was so interesting to watch the pictures he shot this week import. We saw a glimpse of her tail (which we initially thought was a squirrel) then a bunch of pictures of trees, yards, and fences, then 6 pictures in a row of this new cat. I think they were hanging out for quite awhile.

I love this one of the bench. The way that the branches all swirl away from it. Awesome.

And this one of a neighbor’s trailer hitch is great too.

The stripes and colors are amazing! I imagine Cooper is leaping from a tree.

I love the silhouetted trees against the clouds and blue sky.

Cooper is currently kickin’ it on the back patio. He’s smelling the new daffodils that have just come up.

February 23rd, 2009

Spring is on the way

The last week has been dreary and cold in Seattle. It even snowed one day! Cooper spent most of his time inside sleeping and recovering from all the fun he had the week before. Today he’s back outside with his camera! It’s a beautiful sunny day (56 F).

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January 12th, 2009

Cooper on King 5’s Evening Magazine

Cooper’s popularity continues as Seattle’s King 5 Evening Magazine came to shoot a story about him today. We hope the episode airs just in time for Cooper’s upcoming gallery exhibit!

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December 10th, 2008

First Blog Post

Cooper has been pretty much an indoor cat since his launch to fame on Saturday, December 6th. Cooper appeared on the tv show, Cats 101 on Animal Planet and in a front page article in Seattle P-I. The phones have been ringing off the hook around Cross Films where Cooper works during the day.

Cooper is currently sleeping off a long day of returning phone calls from news media. He had a nice dinner of kibble and mushroom broth with a sprinkling of nutritional yeast.